MrBeast, Logan Paul, and KSI have come out with a competitor to Lunchables that they say is “healthy.” Here’s what nutritionists think.

xJimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, Logan Paul, and Olajide “KSI” Olatunji have said they will work together to make “Lunchly,” a “healthier” food kit to compete with Kraft Heinz’s Lunchables.

They have been in the food and drink business before, though. You can already buy MrBeast’s Feastable chocolate bars and Paul and KSI’s Prime energy drinks all over the country.

The online stars’ “better-for-you” lunches will come with a Prime energy drink and a Feastables chocolate bar. They can choose from Fiesta Nachos, “The Pizza,” or Turkey Stack ‘Ems.

There is a side-by-side comparison between Lunchly and Lunchables on the Lunchly website. It shows that Lunchly is lower in calories and sugar and also has electrolytes that Lunchables’ Capri Sun drink does not.

But is Lunchly really as good as it says it is? Nutritionists were asked to weigh in.

What’s in and what’s not in each Lunchly meal kit

Leah Oladitan, RDN, LD, who runs the blog The Child Nutritionist, said that the Prime recovery drink that comes with the meal kits has vitamins, electrolytes, and coconut water added to it.

It’s not caffeine-based, though, which makes it different from Prime energy drinks, which have 200 mg of caffeine in a 12-ounce can.

“The main dishes—turkey and cheese, pepperoni pizza, or nachos—are all very processed,” she said.

But Oladitan said that one of the main problems with Lunchly is that it has a lot of salt.

“Lunchly meals have more than 20% of the daily recommended salt intake in just one serving, like most processed foods,” she said.

Oladitan says that too much salt is linked to a higher chance of high blood pressure.

She said, “Studies show that kids ages 2 to 19 are eating almost twice as much sodium every day as is recommended, which puts them at risk for long-term health problems.”

Oladitan also said that lunchtime foods have a lot of saturated fat, which can raise “bad” cholesterol levels and make heart disease more likely.

She also said, “Lunchly is missing two important food groups: fruits and vegetables.” “Kids miss out on fiber, phytonutrients, and important nutrients that are good for their health if they don’t eat these.”

“While convenient, it falls short of being a healthy option,” Oladitan summed up what she thought about Lunchly.

How Lunchly and Lunchables stack up

Okay, so what do they mean when they say Lunchly is better than Lunchables?

What did Dimitar Marinov, MD, a nutrition and dietetics specialist with a Ph.D. in preventative medicine and nutrition, say about these two products? He said, “Even though it’s being sold as a better and ‘healthier’ alternative to Lunchables, the reality check would hit harder.”

“The things that are in Lunchly are not a source of nutritional powerhouses,” he said. “Instead, they are processed food.”

Marinov said that you should read the nutrition facts label on all packaged foods, even lunch kits like Lunchly and Lunchables that come already put together.

He went on to say that the two are almost equal in terms of how healthy they are.

Marinov said, “On the one hand, Lunchly has started to make some small changes for the better by adding whole grain crackers and leaner meats, but it still has processed foods and added sugars.”

“All in all, the main problem is Lunchly’s marketing plan,” he said. “Paul and MrBeast are probably giving parents the wrong idea when they say that Lunchly is a healthier choice.”

Marinov also said that since both Lunchly and Lunchables are prepared foods, they should be eaten in moderation.

He ended by saying, “If you really want to give your child a healthy diet, you should pack fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods instead.”

Marinov says that to make the process fun, you should include your kids in it.

“Most importantly, it will lead to much healthier eating habits,” he said.


MrBeast, Logan Paul, and Olajide “KSI” Olatunji, three well-known people online, are working together to make a lunch kit called “Lunchly.” They say it is “healthier” than Lunchables.

Food experts, on the other hand, say that the ingredients are still not very healthy. Even though some small changes have been made, these foods are still processed and high in salt and fatty fat.

Also, kids aren’t getting enough of the fruits and veggies they need to stay fit.

Putting together a healthy lunch for your kid with whole foods, fresh fruits and veggies is a better idea.