Maintain These Good Habits to Lose Weight

Exercise Regularly
Establishing a daily habit of physical activity is crucial for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise is the most effective way to burn excess calories and prevent fat accumulation.

Simply eating less without engaging in physical activity is not an ideal method for losing weight. To enjoy your favorite foods, it’s important to balance your calorie intake with the calories burned. Ideally, you should aim to burn as many or more calories than you consume each day.

For example, burning at least 100 calories per day through exercise can lead to a weight loss of 4 kg per year without any need for dieting.

Manage Stress Stress can trigger overeating and lead to unhealthy weight gain. When you’re stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol, which increases your appetite, especially for high-calorie foods. This often results in weight gain. Managing stress through techniques such as meditation, yoga, or even deep breathing exercises can help you control cravings and maintain a healthy weight.

Get Enough Sleep: Adequate, restful sleep is not only essential for recharging your energy but also supports weight loss. During sleep, your body releases leptin, a hormone responsible for suppressing hunger. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night can reduce your desire to snack and improve your ability to manage your weight effectively.

People who sleep well tend to wake up feeling refreshed and optimistic, which contributes to better performance in daily activities, including diet management and exercise routines.

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